The pest control man who sprayed for fleas a couple of months ago, mentioned he and his sons would be interested in helping dismantle the structure in exchange for the materials. After a few weeks, we agreed. Much of the neat old wooden siding was rotten and infested. But, the inner structure was in decent shape.
Interestingly, there is still plumbing running through the walls. There was an upper decking of wide plank wood for the floor. When that was torn up, the original wooden floor was revealed. It is obviously rotten. It was built right on top of the ground. The joists were set right on the dirt.
Some of the plumbing, electrical and construction methods they used throughout the years have led to most of the issues we face now. It is a shame that the building was not respected and cared for. Basic maintenance is less costly and more efficient than full on restoration.
Respect for elders should extend to buildings and towns, not just people.