Sunday, August 18, 2013

The weather has made it impossible for the roofers to do their job (but not impossible for them to cash the 50% advance payment check). It has been raining buckets every day! More leaks have been forming. They aren't consistent, though. One day a certain spot will have a leak. The next day it will be fine, but another spot will need a bucket. It is SO frustrating. I got up on the roof and swept several of the major puddles away. I don't know that it really helped.

Lori and I got a lot of work done this weekend. We tore down shelves and wall mounted platforms. It really opened up the space. Now we are kind of at a stand still until the roof is secured. We don't want to spread our stuff out until we know it will be dry.

We also bought a dehumidifier! What a great purchase. It has sucked (literal) buckets of moisture out of the air. The space doesn't smell nearly as musty. And the air is not as steamy. Hopefully it will keep all the personal belongings and other stuff we stored from getting mould and mildew ridden. This South Georgia humidity is devastating!

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