Monday, February 3, 2014


 There was a cold snap that lasted three days. (Check out the icicles on the sign!) Everyone went crazy. Atlanta had a traffic catastrophe. You would think no one knows how to act when it dips below freezing around here… and you would be right.

Luckily, it doesn't stay cold very long around here and it was warmer by the night of our opening. Thank goodness!

 We had an AMAZING turn out for our Grand Opening Reception. Many thanks to Sandi Shaw and Ann McCrickard for their PR prowess. Our unofficial estimate for attendance was 150-175! It was better than we could have hoped for.

Equally amazing: Mr. and Mrs. Curtis (Rich's parents) and Mrs. Davis (Lori's mom) made the trip down from North Alabama. They brought food and serving pieces, helped set up, serve and clean up afterwards. Mr. Curtis stood at the door and greeted every guest that walked through the door. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Curtis mingled and met everyone too.

We cannot thank our parents enough for their unconditional love, support and devotion. They are amazing people!
 This is what the main gallery looked like before the reception. We were so overwhelmed by the response, we couldn't stop to take photos during the event!

We had such wonderful responses to our artwork, and the beautiful work of our featured artists.
 Several people brought house warming gifts. Flowers, wine, a piece of pottery, and a gift card. We have the best friends! It means so much to receive the outpouring of support from the community.

We had lots of food and punch, as you can see...

 This is Rich- exhausted and over-whelmed after the reception.
This is Lori- also exhausted and overwhelmed.

We look forward to many more events!

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