Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Images from the last few months...

We hosted one evening of the Cops and Kids summer camp at the North Side Community Club. We talked about recycling and make litter bug posters. The posters and other stuff were displayed in our window at the Boardwalk.
 Over the summer, Rich was busy painting and drawing some of the landmark buildings that are in a state of disrepair. He focused on structures that were caught between being restored or torn down. One such place was the Duncan House.
 An old Masonic Lodge his hidden away on the north side of Boston. Such a gorgeous building!
After the Embalming Room was torn down, this is what it looks like. Lori plans to make the space into an art garden!
 This is the poster for the quilt show we had during Boston Mini Marathon. Local quilters meet at the library every Thursday. They are very talented.
 Here we are installing the quilts on the walls.
This painting is one Rich did over the summer. It is the quintessential image of Boston, an old farm town and hidden gem.

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